
Posts Tagged ‘anthony’

Sidney Sheldon – The Naked Face

February 25, 2010 Leave a comment
Naked Face SheldonTYPE: Mystery, Thriller

RATING: 8/10


It had been a while since I’d read a real-good page turner, and this one for some reason, fit the bill.

Though the fact still remains, that I am not a big fan of his work and find most of his stories having a very common thread, this one was certainly un-put-down-able.

The story has Dr. Judd Stevens, a psychoanalyst, who treats few very well known patients. Amongst them is a paranoid patient who thinks everyone is out to kill him. After judging the patient to be an incurable paranoid, Dr. Stevens is surprised to find himself suffering from the same kind of delusions.

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Ken Follett – World Without End

January 21, 2010 Leave a comment

World Without End TYPE: Medieval

RATING: 9/10


After reading Pillars of the Earth, World Without End was a definite must-have and must-read. After the initial disappointment of finding the novel to be perhaps nothing less than a erotic novel, the story picked up its pace and took me on a ride quite similar to it’s prequel.

The similarities in both books are pretty noticeable and both of them have a lot of politics being played amongst them. It isn’t necessary to read Pillars before this one, but reading it gives you a better idea about the characters who are just mentioned in the passing.

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Anthony Piers – Bearing an Hourglass

December 10, 2009 Leave a comment

Bearing an HourglassBook 2 of Seven in the Incarnation Series
1 On a Pale Horse : Death
–> 2. Bearing an Hourglass : Time
3. With a Tangled Skein : Fate
4. Wielding a Red Sword : War
5. Being a Green Mother : Nature
6. For Love of Evil : Satan
7. And Eternity : God

TYPE: Fantasy

RATING: 8/10


After reading the first one in the series, I was much too fascinated to stop reading the second one. This one just took me a couple of days to read through.

This book is about a simple guy called Norton who gets acquainted with a ghost called Gawain. Gawain wants Norton to sire his heir by getting ‘acquainted’ with his wife, Orlene. However, Fate has other plans, and he is hit by conscience which does not permit him to do it. He falls in love with Orlene and Orlene feels the same for him. Together they do sire the heir, but due to Gawain’s intervention, his son dies of a hereditary disease. Read more…