
Archive for the ‘Michael Connelly’ Category

Michael Connelly – The Closers

Michael Connelly - The Closers TYPE:    Thriller, Mystery

RATING:    7/10


The Closers is a well rounded murder mystery. I must have missed Harry Bosch’s description in the earlier books as this just the second book of Connelly that I have laid hands on.

The Closers are a group of people on the fifth floor of the LAPD who work on open-unsolved cases. This usually means that they have to sift through the evidence they have,part by part, because there is only a slight chance, if any, of getting fresh evidence pertaining to cases that may be as old as two decades back.

Michael Connelly – Blood Work

Blood Work

TYPE: Crime and Mystery

RATING: 9/10


Alright, this is a book that took a lot to put down. This was actually a trial author; I hadn’t read the guy at all. Well, I did know the guy does write some good stuff coz I had a couple of e-books and the stories seemed interesting. Well, I have to say that after reading this, I wasn’t left disappointed.

The story is very fast paced; so people who just have trouble with drawn out stuff may as well get their hands on this one. The movement from one chapter to the other is pretty fluid. The story keeps you gripped till the very end. Even after you know who the killer is, there’s still some action left. There’s not much time Read more…