About Me

I am a complete bookworm which is of course why you can see this blog come up. The reasons for starting the blog are mentioned in my first post and I guess you could just read THAT to find out more.

In other news, I was born on April 23rd 1986; a date which clashes with Shakespeare’s birthday. Maybe that’s why I have a habit of reading so much. And also maybe why I have a feel for writing.  Not that I have written too much. There’s a novel I’ve started writing and it’s about 14 chapters done. I guess I am going to turn it to a novelette now. Writing a novel is hard work, lol.

More stuff: I am currently a web developer, though I guess I have a better knack for marketing. No idea why: I just feel that I ain’t cut out for the software world (not that I’m doing any worse out here). Hope to take a degree in business someday and get a different line of work. We’ll see to that. I’ll update this section later then.

My interests are varied but few. Food, books, computer games: in that specific order. Well, yeah food does overtake books but then I could actually give them both the same rating. I’m a complete bookworm and a total foodie. (I eat through books, lol) .

BTW, you could check my collection of e-books here.

Well, that’s about it. Have fun with the reviews and let me know if I missed something.

  1. November 25, 2010 at 11:03

    sometimes you got to taper down on playing too much compter games coz it is quite addictive “””

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